hey, it's me!
photo by CL Photography.
I really hate talking about myself, so I tried to think of a list of things that sum me up as a person. I enlisted the help of my friends and clients, too! so it won't be just things that *I* think of when I think of me.

I really hate talking about myself, so I tried to think of a list of things that sum me up as a person. I enlisted the help of my friends and clients, too! so it won't be just things that *I* think of when I think of me.
I know everyone says it, but I have the best fiancé.
even if he doesn't let me take his photo.
he's handsome, sweet, funny, caring, tells me I'm beautiful, has lots of stupid inside jokes with me, has been there for me no matter what, got me hooked on The Walking Dead, eats junk food with me, is totally crazy, and totally mine.
he's handsome, sweet, funny, caring, tells me I'm beautiful, has lots of stupid inside jokes with me, has been there for me no matter what, got me hooked on The Walking Dead, eats junk food with me, is totally crazy, and totally mine.
I love volunteering at the animal shelter.
we try to walk dogs daily at the Central Aroostook Humane Society.
if I could, I would be the crazy cat lady. who happened to have like 3 rescue pit mixes.
I am seriously addicted to Criminal Minds.
this will eventually be updated with a photo that Kevin took for me. I have an awesome idea for it!
I'm also totally in love with zombies - specifically The Walking Dead.
as much as I love AMC for bringing The Walking Dead to life..undead?
undead life? anyway - I really hate that they're hocking Mad Men with
Walking Dead. it's not cool, AMC. just stop.
I have a huge heart.
holy super old photo, batman! but it works for this one.
sometimes my huge heart gets me in trouble, and it causes me more grief than anything,
but most of the time it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
sometimes my huge heart gets me in trouble, and it causes me more grief than anything,
but most of the time it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
in high school, I loved alternative|non-mainstream bands.
that's one of my very first photos ever. I was a total band groupie. I still like a lot of alternative stuff,
but PI doesn't really have a music scene, so I haven't been to a good show in a looong time.
but PI doesn't really have a music scene, so I haven't been to a good show in a looong time.
I not so secretly want to be a roller derby girl.
this is a photo from one of Bangor Roller Derby's practices. I heart those girls.
so can someone start a league up here, mmmkay?
I'm pretty sure I'm half Romany (aka - gypsy.)
a photo of packed boxes and totes is sorta depressing,
so here's one of my fave photos from San Francisco.
I love to travel (hellooooo San Francisco!) and since I have moved out of my parent's house six years ago, I have moved 9 times. Not including moving from one dorm room to another those five times. As for fun traveling, I have been to Ireland, upstate New York, Washington DC twice, Boston multiple times, and San Francisco twice. The first time I was on a bus from San Fran to Bangor, Maine. yes. a FULL cross country bus ride. it took 4.5 days, and it was awful.
speaking of San Francisco, it made me become an equal rights activist
for lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender people.
this is me (WOW my hair was freakin' short.) and Audrey from Pennsylvania at the 2010 Boston Pride March where we marched with Join the Impact Massachussets,
and I obviously took lots of moving photos from the day.
I'm a huge supporter of all things equal rights, especially marriage.
hey, if straight people can be miserable in marriage, why can't they?
my bestest best friend lives too far away.
want the Central gossip? we probably know it.
I'm fairly tattooed, and slightly pierced.
my newest tattoo (the things on the side are hearts) and me getting my nose done the second time.
I'm up to 11 tattoos and down to 1 piercing plus my stretched ear lobs.
it used to be 0 tats|15+ piercings, and that number slowly switched.
I'm a totally awkward, geeky person.
that, my friends, is my friend Ryan at his birthday (going away party? I don't remember now.) from a couple of years ago. that is a custom made, black spidey costume. he's more awesome than me.
I love pretty much anything that has to do with comics - especially Spider-Man.
I love Neil Patrick Harris.
I don't have a photo that I've done of NPH, so this will have to do.
I know, I know.. that's not one of my photos, but I didn't know what to put there.
seriously though, major love goes to NPH.
I probably should say something about photography here.
growing up, I wanted to be a vet.. until my mom said "ya know, you'll have to put animals down sometimes." that kind of killed that dream. then I wanted to be an artist, then specifically a tattoo artist. that changed when I got my first tattoo. having a tattoo machine in my hands just didn't feel right.
I don't have any photos I've done of vets, and my tattoo ones are tucked away, so a drawing I did (yes, i actually drew that.. I have to look at something to draw stuff) will work for now! ;)
after that, I figured I could open an animal shelter or something somewhat related. I took business and art classes, and started doing photography at random UMPI events. I liked it, it came as second nature, and people who knew what they were talking about thought I had a natural talent.
Wes Caroll, with the Housejacks.
it's from forever ago. also back before I even had a good DSLR. I guess it goes to show that if you have a talent, you can make it work with whatever equipment you have! anyway, this whole story was to say, without a certain hard-ass teacher in high school who saw potential in a geeky, awkward, always-trying-to-be-different freshman I wouldn't be where I am today. he saw something in me, and pretty much forced me to join the yearbook staff - where I was a photographer, sort of a graphic designer, manager and so much more. he pushed me to be the best I could, and I seriously have NO idea where I would be if I hadn't joined the Central High School yearbook staff 10 years ago.
(wow, that makes me feel old.) thank you, Mr. C.
and I can't end on something so ridiculously sappy ssoooo.. I'm guilty of blaring anything from Queen and Journey on roadtrips.
I'm not sure if we can be friends if you don't like Queen. specifically Bohemian Rhapsody and Don't Stop Believing (and this will be updated with a photo I have done soon! goes along with the Criminal Minds idea.)
so that is 15 semi-random tidbits about me. your turn!
I'm pretty sure I'm half Romany (aka - gypsy.)
a photo of packed boxes and totes is sorta depressing,
so here's one of my fave photos from San Francisco.
I love to travel (hellooooo San Francisco!) and since I have moved out of my parent's house six years ago, I have moved 9 times. Not including moving from one dorm room to another those five times. As for fun traveling, I have been to Ireland, upstate New York, Washington DC twice, Boston multiple times, and San Francisco twice. The first time I was on a bus from San Fran to Bangor, Maine. yes. a FULL cross country bus ride. it took 4.5 days, and it was awful.
speaking of San Francisco, it made me become an equal rights activist
for lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender people.
this is me (WOW my hair was freakin' short.) and Audrey from Pennsylvania at the 2010 Boston Pride March where we marched with Join the Impact Massachussets,
and I obviously took lots of moving photos from the day.
I'm a huge supporter of all things equal rights, especially marriage.
hey, if straight people can be miserable in marriage, why can't they?
my bestest best friend lives too far away.
we're the only two looking at the camera. and apparently I was a cool kid who was waving..
also my oldest friend! we've known each other since the first grade.
and she's like the only person I talk to from high school on a regular
basis. and we're creeping buddies.want the Central gossip? we probably know it.
I'm fairly tattooed, and slightly pierced.
my newest tattoo (the things on the side are hearts) and me getting my nose done the second time.
I'm up to 11 tattoos and down to 1 piercing plus my stretched ear lobs.
it used to be 0 tats|15+ piercings, and that number slowly switched.
I'm a totally awkward, geeky person.
that, my friends, is my friend Ryan at his birthday (going away party? I don't remember now.) from a couple of years ago. that is a custom made, black spidey costume. he's more awesome than me.
I love pretty much anything that has to do with comics - especially Spider-Man.
I love Neil Patrick Harris.
I don't have a photo that I've done of NPH, so this will have to do.
I know, I know.. that's not one of my photos, but I didn't know what to put there.
seriously though, major love goes to NPH.
I probably should say something about photography here.
growing up, I wanted to be a vet.. until my mom said "ya know, you'll have to put animals down sometimes." that kind of killed that dream. then I wanted to be an artist, then specifically a tattoo artist. that changed when I got my first tattoo. having a tattoo machine in my hands just didn't feel right.
I don't have any photos I've done of vets, and my tattoo ones are tucked away, so a drawing I did (yes, i actually drew that.. I have to look at something to draw stuff) will work for now! ;)
after that, I figured I could open an animal shelter or something somewhat related. I took business and art classes, and started doing photography at random UMPI events. I liked it, it came as second nature, and people who knew what they were talking about thought I had a natural talent.
Wes Caroll, with the Housejacks.
it's from forever ago. also back before I even had a good DSLR. I guess it goes to show that if you have a talent, you can make it work with whatever equipment you have! anyway, this whole story was to say, without a certain hard-ass teacher in high school who saw potential in a geeky, awkward, always-trying-to-be-different freshman I wouldn't be where I am today. he saw something in me, and pretty much forced me to join the yearbook staff - where I was a photographer, sort of a graphic designer, manager and so much more. he pushed me to be the best I could, and I seriously have NO idea where I would be if I hadn't joined the Central High School yearbook staff 10 years ago.
(wow, that makes me feel old.) thank you, Mr. C.
and I can't end on something so ridiculously sappy ssoooo.. I'm guilty of blaring anything from Queen and Journey on roadtrips.
I'm not sure if we can be friends if you don't like Queen. specifically Bohemian Rhapsody and Don't Stop Believing (and this will be updated with a photo I have done soon! goes along with the Criminal Minds idea.)
so that is 15 semi-random tidbits about me. your turn!