the wild ginger and her baby bro! presque isle, maine child photographer

wild ginger child presque isle maine

Heather may have the cutest kids in the history of the world. and Izzy is definitely in the running for the funniest! she is a total mother hen to little brother Liam and it may be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

wild ginger child and her baby brother presque isle maine
this was when she was afraid he was going to fall in the river. it happened a lot. along with her yelling "mumma, Liam's going to the riverrrrrrrrr." note to self: next time, don't do Izzy + Liam's photos where Liam can possibly get hurt. or do it at place like that just so I can giggle at Izzy the whole time.

aaahhdorable. anyway, when Heather first contacted me about a session and asked about setting up a trade for crocheted goodies (like hats and blankets for my newborn sessions!) I was super excited, cause I can crochet, but not well, and I like trading! :) and I was honestly expecting a much older woman with much older kids. I was very pleasantly surprised since Heather is just as adorable as her kids! I've had so much fun doing her family + kid photos the past year! here are a few of my faves from the most recent session -

wild ginger child and her buttcrack presque isle maine  wild ginger child and her baby brother presque isle maine

wild ginger child and her baby brother presque isle maine
and a video! :)

 book your own family session today! 


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