the way family sessions should be! woollard family. presque isle, maine family photographer

last summer i was THIS close to calling it quits with family sessions. i was going to do them for current clients, and that was it. no new families, no 'oh-i-can-squeeze-you-and-your-kids-and-your-brother's-kids-in-for-a-quick-session,' no.more.families. i started looking through my old family photos to see exactly what i didn't enjoy about family sessions. i knew it wasn't just a general dislike for families, because, well, that's weird. as i went through, i picked out my fave photos here and there and noticed a trend. i was drawn to the real images. the ones that weren't stiffly posed. the ones where mom was tickling her little one and they were laughing hysterically. the ones where the families actually looked happy. 

enter, lifestyle sessions. in a nutshell, they're mellow, honest, happy, real, YOU. we do get the shot where everyone is looking, but we focus on the real moments. i did a few test run lifestyle sessions last year and honestly, their session is probably what made me fall back in love with family photography.

and p.s. i'm jealous of the kiddos' eyelashes. both of them have the most beautiful lashes ever. so.jelly.





what kind of images do you prefer? the ones where everyone is looking at the camera, or the more natural, relaxed ones? tell me in the comments!


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